Healthier SG Programme1 | CHAS Programme | Clinical Programme |
1. Enrolment 2. Resident Health Plan 3. Simple referrals 4. Enrolment benefits2 (3 additional requirements) 5. Care reporting | 1. Community Health Assistance Scheme (CHAS) – Medical 2. Chronic Disease Management Programme (CDMP) 3. Clinical Indicators Data Collection (CIDC) 4. Screen for Life (SFL) 5. Vaccination and Childhood Developmental Screening Subsidies (VCDSS) 6. PHPC Flu Subsidy Scheme (FSS), Swab And Send Home (SASH) 7. PHPC Haze Subsidy Scheme (HSS) 8. CHAS Appeal & Accreditation (optional) 9. CHAS Dental (optional) 10. MWHealth (optional) | 1. Communicable Diseases Live & Enhanced Surveillance (CDLENS) 2. National Immunisation Registry (NIR) 3. Critical Medical Information Store (CMIS) |
1For details on the requirements under the HSG programme, including new requirements from Jan 2024, click here.
2The 3 additional requirements are (1) Patient Drug Delivery request; (2) HSG Chronic Tiers and access the Subsidy Tier Calculator and (3) MediSave claim for CDMP bills – Removal of minimum Co-payment requirement
For clarifications or enquiries on Healthier SG, CHAS or Clinical Programme web-services, you can email