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Add new supplier

  • select ‘Inventory‘ icon
  • go to the ‘supplier‘ page
  • click on the ‘add‘ button to add supplier
  • fill in required supplier details, code and name is required, the rest are optional
  •  at least one item is also required, click on ‘add line’ to add new item
  • dispense UM‘ is the unit measurement of your item when dispensing this item, for example paracetamul is dispensed by tablets
  • pack UM‘ is the unit measurement of the whule pack of item, for example: Paracetamul 500 mg comes in boxes
  • pack price‘ means the price of one pack, for example: one bottle of appelin B12 syrup is $10
  • quantity per pack‘ is the amount for one pack, for example, one bottle of appelin B12 syrup has 150ml
    • bonus means the amount of packs given when you buy a certain amount of packs, for example: buying 100 bottles of Himco 200 ml, will give you extra 10 bottles for free, if there are no bonus packs, bonus can be put to ‘0’ while pack rate can put to ‘1’
    • you can also set the item as preferred
    • you can also delete an item using the red line icon on the right
    • remember to click ‘save’ to save your changes

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