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Healthier SG

Healthier SG Community Care Partner

Healthcare clusters will play a vital role. Over the years, they have steadily built relationships with a wide range of community partners to roll out programmes for residents and facilitate integration of services across different care providers. Under Healthier SG, healthcare clusters as the regional health managers will actively coordinate and oversee these partnerships and activities for residents. Over time, they will gather more data and develop a deeper understanding of the health and social needs of their sub-population. We will leverage the work of the following government agencies:

Community Care Partner List

Health Promotion Board (HPB)

HPB has been actively supporting healthcare clusters to promote good health amongst residents. This is done primarily through self-directed, virtual and classroom-based programmes, involving physical activities, good diet, tobacco control and enhancing mental well-being.

HPB’s workplace programmes have reached close to 40% of Singapore’s working population. HPB’s programmes have also reached out to children and youth through close collaboration with schools and education institutions.

Sport Singapore (SportSG)

Its Active Health initiative educates residents on how healthy lifestyle habits correlate with better health. This includes personalized guidance from coaches at Active Health Labs. These Active Health coaches conduct multi-disciplinary functional performance assessments for residents and customized coaching on health and wellness. At the Labs, residents are encouraged to take small steps towards the necessary lifestyle changes such as exercising more or practicing better screen time management. Residents typically check in with their coaches every three to six months. Many go on to become active members of sports interest groups.

People’s Association (PA)

Physical health

The staff and network of volunteers at PA organize a vast array of health and wellness lifestyle activities, interest groups, and courses catering to a broad range of preferences and interests. While PA activities are aimed primarily at fostering social cohesion and stronger community bonds, there are also significant health benefits from the activities. Under Healthier SG, PA has the opportunity to further increase its outreach to residents to participate in its programmes. HPB, SportSG and PA will deepen their partnerships with the healthcare clusters and family doctors, to strengthen the programme-referral and follow-up process under Healthier SG. The care protocols developed for family doctors under Healthier SG and the health plans for residents will be essential bridges between healthcare providers and community-based partners and providers, to ensure care continuity and coordination.

Mental health

MOH has convened an Inter-agency Taskforce on Mental Health and Well-being, which has been leading a Whole-of-Government effort to promote mental health and well-being. The Taskforce has been working on interventions, such as improving overall access to mental health resources, including enhancing community resources on top of clinical services, and strengthening training and competencies for different groups of care providers. 

MOH will continue to address health holistically. Various aspects of healthy living, including physical activities, adequate sleep, good diet, healthy use of devices and social interactions, are critical drivers of mental and emotional well-being. Taking a preventive approach in mental health is fully aligned with the objectives of Healthier SG.
